Professional Consulting and Executive Coaching Services
Experts in coaching, developing and advising leaders on how to surpass strategic, engagement, and professional goals.
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Experts in coaching, developing and advising leaders on how to surpass strategic, engagement, and professional goals.
With 30 years of healthcare leadership service, TRImani's consultants and coaches have accumulated numerous accolades for customer service excellence, consistently outstanding employee engagement improvement coaching results, and data-proven management-led team successes. Our Executive Coaches can assist you and your organization in reaching your professional and corporate success goals. We will assist you by enlightening, engaging, empowering, and excelling your practice to ensure you and your organization obtain successful outcomes. Our advisors are experts in assisting executives with overcoming overwhelm during times of crisis, engaging employees and leaders, combating career-stalling and disruptive behaviors in executives, providers, and those seeking leadership positions, and assisting with the planning and implementation of strategic initiatives.
Our 30+ years of leadership experience coupled with our coaching expertise gives us a competitive edge. TRImani's Executive Coaches are Certified by the Center for Executive Coaching, a leading national and international Executive Coach certification designated agency. These distinctions translate into successful outcomes for leaders and organization.
TRImani partners with healthcare executives, leaders, and those aspiring to improve their leadership and executive prowess. Our team can assist your organization with designing, initiating, and meeting strategic goals. We can assist with designing programs to ensure your team excels in areas of employee engagement, manager and provider satisfaction, overcoming overwhelm during times of productive team collaboration, successful and insightful methods of succession planning, and developing high performers' personal growth and development strategies.
As your team navigates the issues that plague us in 2020, please be sure to take time to focus on engaging and uplifting them. As employees are our most valuable resource, we must do the work to keep them. Here are a few tips that are proven to promote employee engagement in the midst of the stress. These mechanisms will help to improve your retention and engagement of employees, and promote continued and exceeding success of your organization.
1. Be Visible - Show your concern by showing up. Make the rounds to show your employees that you are in the trenches with them. Although it is uncomfortable for leaders to hear about and talk about some of the current events, hiding out isn't the answer. Show yourselves to your teams. Simply being visible shows strength.
2. Be Quiet - As leaders, we sometimes feel we must have all of the answers. Sometimes it is more important listen to the feelings, emotions, and needs of your employees and team members. Let team members vent in a safe and nonjudgmental and non-threatening environment. Set up brief (30-min) "You Talk; We Listen" sessions to show your employees that you care enough to hear them. Don't interrupt. Remain focused on what is being said, not on your opinion or fixing the issues that cannot be fixed. Listen intently and thank your team for taking time to vent their concerns and frustrations. Although you may remain mostly silent during the interaction, this will speak volumes to your employees.
3. Extend a Little Grace - Understand that employees are holistic beings. Everyone has responsibilities outside of the business environment. Many parents are struggling with navigating the new normal of children being home schooled; some employees who are now the sole bread winners may be struggling to make ends meet; some are faced with overcoming the grief of loss, while others are experiencing mental health issues as a result of current events. Try to place yourself in others' situations and treat them the way you'd like to be treated if you were in their shoes. This isn't easy for any of us, but having a little grace and patience with one another can go a long way to healing the hurt.
Remember, this current climate is not easy for any of us to navigate. People need to know that we care about them beyond having a warm pair of hands to work our businesses and make us money. Show people you care about them beyond knowing their employee ID number. These simple yet effective tips can promote healing and ultimately encourage engagement of your employees.
All we have is each other. We can get through this together.
Stay Safe. Stay Strong.
~TRImani Consulting, LLC
Stay abreast on the latest and most current leadership development and team success tips and news.
TRImani Consulting, LLC
Wylie, Texas 75098, United States
Ready to reach the next level? Call 214-923-2113
TRImani's Leaders are excited to announce our long-awaited offering designed to help leaders develop their leadership prowess and grow in effectiveness - TRImani's Thrive At Leadership (TAL) - Leadership Success Academy! Click below to learn how you can help your leaders Thrive!
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